Sunday, November 14, 2010

Real Women Newsletter-November 14, 2010

Hello Everyone!
I just wanted to send out a quick update on some events we have coming up that you definitely don't want to miss!
1) Real Women's Bible Study is still going on! There are two days of study left-Monday, November 15th and Monday, November 29th (for those of you who were at the last meeting, this is a date change for you!) Even if you haven't been able to attend any previous studies, there is still much to learn (plus...we have a lot of fun!) Times are from 6:30pm-8:30pm each night. (Sorry...childcare can not be provided.)
2) All Church Date Day! Coming up on Saturday, December 4th, from 9:00a-2:00p, we will be having our first annual Christmas Date Day. This will be a perfect opportunity for you to get some Christmas shopping done-without kids! And please know...if you are a single parent, this event is open to you, too! Go spend some "me" time! We are hoping to have couples work 2 1/2 hour shifts. We already have one couple from 9-11:30, so we are in need of 1 more couple for the early shift and 2 couples for the 11:30a-2:00p shift. (You are more than welcome to bring your kiddos even if you aren't available to volunteer!) Lunch and snacks will be provided, but please bring any personal items your child might need while he/she is there (diaper bags, lovies, pull-up, etc.) A sign up sheet will be at the information desk starting November 21st.
3) Real Women Christmas Party! It's almost that time of year, so let's party! You are all invited to the Real Women NWA 1st Annual Christmas Party. It will be held Monday, December 6th, at 6:30pm at the home of Shandra Kinard-1 Spanker Circle, Bella Vista. Please bring your favorite appetizer or dessert and a $5 gift for exchange. A sign up sheet will be available at the information desk starting November 21st and is open to EVERYONE WOMAN! You don't have to have attend any other event. Just come and enjoy a great girl's night out!

Well...I think that is all for now. I am so blessed to have the opportunity to lead such a great group of women in a church that is just full of potential.

'Til we talk again, God Bless and have a great week.

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