Monday, November 29, 2010

Monday Morning Minute-November 29, 2010


Is that what you thought this morning when you woke up? The first Monday back after what for most people was a long weekend and the realization has hit most people around you (and probably you, too) that Christmas is 26 days away from today. of one?! :0)

That's most, if not all of us. But let's take a minute and think about what exactly we're stressing about.

We're stressing about having the money for presents. We're stressing about finding the "perfect" present. We're stressing about making sure that each set of in-laws gets equal amounts of time with the grand kids. We're stressing about making the right foods. We're stressing about when we'll have time to put up all of those Christmas decorations that we love once they're up, but hate to dig out of wherever they're buried. We're stressing over the idea of having to fight the crowds at the mall. We're stressing about keeping the house "company clean" all the time for visitors. We're stressing about which picture to put on our Christmas cards and when is the exact time to mail them out so that they're not too early or come late.....

Did I get them all? Did I read your mind? Have these thoughts been keeping you up at night or keeping you distracted while you're waiting in car line or at red-lights?

With that in mind, I have one word for you: BREATHE.

Take a minute. Close you're eyes if you want to and think about what is most important. When you think about Christmas, what 2-3 things are most important? Is having the perfect meal your favorite childhood memory that you want to pass down or was your childhood Christmas stories all about the tree?

Isaiah 32:17-18 says: (17) The fruit of that righteousness [righteousness that comes from the pouring out of the Spirit in vs 15 & 16] will be peace; its effect will be quietness and confidence forever. (18) My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest.

"Peaceful dwelling places," "undisturbed place of rest, " "quietness and confidence forever." Shouldn't these things be what this holiday season be about? Taking the time to rest in the knowledge that at this time the SAVIOR OF THE WORLD was born and you have the privilege of partaking in his inheritance in heaven.

Let's take the time this season to make this Christmas what it's truly about. Remember what you love about it: Christ and family. The's just window dressing.

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