Sunday, November 14, 2010

Monday Morning Minute-November 8, 2010

*****Forgive me! This didn't get posted last week, so here is double duty this week! Be Blessed!*****

Through the course of our study of Priscilla Shirer's "One in a Million" bible study, we have gone through the phases of Deliverance and Development and now we are learning all about our Destiny.

At the beginning of Deuteronomy, the Israelites had finally reached the end of their wilderness journey, ready to step into their destiny of the promise land and Moses began to speak. It would become his farewell address and he chose to start it by reminding them what God told them in the beginning.

Deuteronomy 1:6-7a says "The LORD our God spoke to us at Horeb, saying, 'You have stayed long enough at this mountain. (7) 'Turn and set your journey, and go to the hill country of the Amorites..." {bold added}

From the beginning, God had given them very specific instructions: TURN, SET, GO.

They had been there long enough. Long enough in bondage. Long enough living with the enemy and feasting at their table.

Now, we all know how the story goes. The Israelites chose not to have faith in God's promise, so they were forced to wander the wilderness until all but two of the unbelieving generation dies out, which took 40 years.

But...even in their failure, I think we can learn a very simple truth: God didn't ask them to leap tall buildings or have miracle-laden crusades or anything  so seemingly impossible. He simply asked them to TURN, SET and GO.

He wanted them to TURN from that life, SET their minds on the promise land that he had already ordained would be theirs and GO forth in the comfort and knowledge that it was theirs.

What is God asking you to turn from and set your mind on? Anytime he asks us to turn from something and set our mind on something new, it's because he wants us to GO someplace he's never taken us and just like the promise land for the is someplace good.

John 10:10a promises "I {Jesus Christ} came that they {that's us!} may have life {and not just any life}, and have it abundantly." {I added a few things!}

TURN-from the things that are keeping you from an all out, sold-out relationship with God
SET-your mind on the things that will get you where you want to be
GO-in the direction God has called you to go

And don't be nervous that God will take you faster than you can handle. A great preacher I know used to tell his congregation "God never leads you in leaps; he leads you in steps."

Take it one step at a time and you can reach your promise land....and probably in less than the 40 years it took the Israelites! :0)

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