Monday, November 29, 2010

Monday Morning Minute-November 29, 2010


Is that what you thought this morning when you woke up? The first Monday back after what for most people was a long weekend and the realization has hit most people around you (and probably you, too) that Christmas is 26 days away from today. of one?! :0)

That's most, if not all of us. But let's take a minute and think about what exactly we're stressing about.

We're stressing about having the money for presents. We're stressing about finding the "perfect" present. We're stressing about making sure that each set of in-laws gets equal amounts of time with the grand kids. We're stressing about making the right foods. We're stressing about when we'll have time to put up all of those Christmas decorations that we love once they're up, but hate to dig out of wherever they're buried. We're stressing over the idea of having to fight the crowds at the mall. We're stressing about keeping the house "company clean" all the time for visitors. We're stressing about which picture to put on our Christmas cards and when is the exact time to mail them out so that they're not too early or come late.....

Did I get them all? Did I read your mind? Have these thoughts been keeping you up at night or keeping you distracted while you're waiting in car line or at red-lights?

With that in mind, I have one word for you: BREATHE.

Take a minute. Close you're eyes if you want to and think about what is most important. When you think about Christmas, what 2-3 things are most important? Is having the perfect meal your favorite childhood memory that you want to pass down or was your childhood Christmas stories all about the tree?

Isaiah 32:17-18 says: (17) The fruit of that righteousness [righteousness that comes from the pouring out of the Spirit in vs 15 & 16] will be peace; its effect will be quietness and confidence forever. (18) My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest.

"Peaceful dwelling places," "undisturbed place of rest, " "quietness and confidence forever." Shouldn't these things be what this holiday season be about? Taking the time to rest in the knowledge that at this time the SAVIOR OF THE WORLD was born and you have the privilege of partaking in his inheritance in heaven.

Let's take the time this season to make this Christmas what it's truly about. Remember what you love about it: Christ and family. The's just window dressing.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Monday Morning Minute-November 22, 2010


It's that time of year when Facebook posts turn to daily lists of what we're thankful for and countless art projects are brought home with scribblings of the same. And as we draw near to that fateful turkey day, I can't help but remember something that Priscilla Shirer said at the beginning of our Bible Studay, "One in a Million."

In talking about the Israelite's sojourn in the wilderness, Priscillas says that when we are all going through a wilderness season it's hard to see anything to be thankful for in the midst of the sand, rock and heat.

BUT...once we reach the other side, it's the looking back at what God has brought us through that brings us to that place of thankfulness.

Even Job, who had lost his family, his business and his health and had been tempted by his friends to curse God, was able to say in the end "I have hear of You by the hearing of the ear; But now my eye sees You." (Job 42:5.)

At the end of his wilderness season, he chose to be THANKFUL that he had had the opportunity to move from a place of just hearing about God's amazing grace, to a place where he had experienced it first hand.
There were things in his life that he would never have had or never have learned had he not gone through what he had gone through and come out the other side with his faith intact.

So, what's your wilderness? Are you in a wilderness right now or trying to find the good in a wilderness you've just come out of?

During this season, take the time to be thankful for the journey God has you on. And remember, "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Those plans are plural....God's got a lot written in your book.

God Bless and Have a Blessed Thanksgiving.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Real Women Newsletter-November 14, 2010

Hello Everyone!
I just wanted to send out a quick update on some events we have coming up that you definitely don't want to miss!
1) Real Women's Bible Study is still going on! There are two days of study left-Monday, November 15th and Monday, November 29th (for those of you who were at the last meeting, this is a date change for you!) Even if you haven't been able to attend any previous studies, there is still much to learn (plus...we have a lot of fun!) Times are from 6:30pm-8:30pm each night. (Sorry...childcare can not be provided.)
2) All Church Date Day! Coming up on Saturday, December 4th, from 9:00a-2:00p, we will be having our first annual Christmas Date Day. This will be a perfect opportunity for you to get some Christmas shopping done-without kids! And please know...if you are a single parent, this event is open to you, too! Go spend some "me" time! We are hoping to have couples work 2 1/2 hour shifts. We already have one couple from 9-11:30, so we are in need of 1 more couple for the early shift and 2 couples for the 11:30a-2:00p shift. (You are more than welcome to bring your kiddos even if you aren't available to volunteer!) Lunch and snacks will be provided, but please bring any personal items your child might need while he/she is there (diaper bags, lovies, pull-up, etc.) A sign up sheet will be at the information desk starting November 21st.
3) Real Women Christmas Party! It's almost that time of year, so let's party! You are all invited to the Real Women NWA 1st Annual Christmas Party. It will be held Monday, December 6th, at 6:30pm at the home of Shandra Kinard-1 Spanker Circle, Bella Vista. Please bring your favorite appetizer or dessert and a $5 gift for exchange. A sign up sheet will be available at the information desk starting November 21st and is open to EVERYONE WOMAN! You don't have to have attend any other event. Just come and enjoy a great girl's night out!

Well...I think that is all for now. I am so blessed to have the opportunity to lead such a great group of women in a church that is just full of potential.

'Til we talk again, God Bless and have a great week.

Monday Morning Minute-November 15, 2010

Last week I dropped my husband off at the airport so that he could go on his first international business trip. I was nervous. Partially at the thought of having three small children by myself for a week and partially, because the love of my life was not only going to be in another country, but on another CONTINENT! I was feeling seriously uneasy.

On my way out of the airport terminal, I ran into my husband's assistant who was one of the 3 people accompanying him on the trip and I jokingly told her "Take care of him for me." Well...I was half joking. :0)

As I drove away from the airport, I settled into my own worried spirit and fretted for a few miles down the road. So many things could go wrong. I had given my husband's life over into the hands of other people.

And as I drove, a small voice whispered in my spirit "How do you think I felt when I gave my son's life over?"

I was floored. First of all, because I have never heard the voice of God so clear ever in my entire life. And secondly, I had a profound sense of....well...stunned silence.

Here I was fretting over what might be, when God gave his son over to a people who he knew would betray, humiliate, beat and eventually murder on a cross.

What love is this? Yes...I love my husband more than anyone on this planet and I hope to grow old and grey with him. But God's love for me is even bigger than the love I hold in my heart for my husband.

His love is bigger because he gave what was most important to him, with the foreknowledge that his son's death was the only thing that could save this fallen world.

I am a small way I am shamed because I had forgotten in the hustle and bustle of my everyday life, the all-encompassing, all-consuming, sacrificial love of God.

And I am remember everyday what way given so that I might live and to pass it on to a dead and dying world.

I hope this story challenges you not to forget....

Monday Morning Minute-November 8, 2010

*****Forgive me! This didn't get posted last week, so here is double duty this week! Be Blessed!*****

Through the course of our study of Priscilla Shirer's "One in a Million" bible study, we have gone through the phases of Deliverance and Development and now we are learning all about our Destiny.

At the beginning of Deuteronomy, the Israelites had finally reached the end of their wilderness journey, ready to step into their destiny of the promise land and Moses began to speak. It would become his farewell address and he chose to start it by reminding them what God told them in the beginning.

Deuteronomy 1:6-7a says "The LORD our God spoke to us at Horeb, saying, 'You have stayed long enough at this mountain. (7) 'Turn and set your journey, and go to the hill country of the Amorites..." {bold added}

From the beginning, God had given them very specific instructions: TURN, SET, GO.

They had been there long enough. Long enough in bondage. Long enough living with the enemy and feasting at their table.

Now, we all know how the story goes. The Israelites chose not to have faith in God's promise, so they were forced to wander the wilderness until all but two of the unbelieving generation dies out, which took 40 years.

But...even in their failure, I think we can learn a very simple truth: God didn't ask them to leap tall buildings or have miracle-laden crusades or anything  so seemingly impossible. He simply asked them to TURN, SET and GO.

He wanted them to TURN from that life, SET their minds on the promise land that he had already ordained would be theirs and GO forth in the comfort and knowledge that it was theirs.

What is God asking you to turn from and set your mind on? Anytime he asks us to turn from something and set our mind on something new, it's because he wants us to GO someplace he's never taken us and just like the promise land for the is someplace good.

John 10:10a promises "I {Jesus Christ} came that they {that's us!} may have life {and not just any life}, and have it abundantly." {I added a few things!}

TURN-from the things that are keeping you from an all out, sold-out relationship with God
SET-your mind on the things that will get you where you want to be
GO-in the direction God has called you to go

And don't be nervous that God will take you faster than you can handle. A great preacher I know used to tell his congregation "God never leads you in leaps; he leads you in steps."

Take it one step at a time and you can reach your promise land....and probably in less than the 40 years it took the Israelites! :0)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Monday Morning Minute-November 1, 2010

When I was in college, my professor of psychology made this statement :"There is a reason there are 31 chapters in Proverbs and 30/31 days in a month."

Why did he says this?

It was his belief that reading a chapter of Proverbs each  morning was a perfect way to increase in practical wisdom for daily life. And...he was right!

Proverbs 1:2a gives the purpose of the whole book right off the bat. It says:

The purpose of these proverbs is to teach people wisdom and discipline...

Gaining daily wisdom is important in keeping ourselves from straying to the left or to the right because it is so easy to get off the path of Christ by being distracted by the things of this world.

And I think the idea of reading a Proverbs a day can easily serve two kinds of people:

1) There are those who think they just don't have time to read their Bible everyday. Reading Chapter 1 this morning took me 3 minutes. Take 5 minutes a a chapter and write down the one or two verses that stick out to you. Allow those thoughts to be on your mind constantly throughout your day. Joshua 1:8 says "Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful." Although this verse is talking about the Old Testament law, the concept still applies!

2) Maybe you're new to Christ and you just don't know where to start....START HERE!!! Reading a chapter of Proverbs a day is an easy Bible reading plan that is not intimidating and will be easy for you to stick to and form the beneficial habit of reading the word everyday. (Extra Tidbit: Mark is an excellent place to start reading in the New Testament.)

So, start this easy reading plan and, as it says in Proverbs 1:5, "...become even wiser."