Monday, October 25, 2010

Real Women Newsletter-October 25, 2010

Good Morning Everyone!!!
It's been a while hasn't it? :0)
I hope your week is shaping up to be excellent.
Real Women's Ministry is back in full swing! Here is what you can look forward to for the rest of the year:
Upcoming Events/Things You Should Know:
1) Women's Small Group is meeting on Monday nights, 6:30 at the church office. It is never too late to join the discussion and the fellowship! We are currently going through the video series "One in a Million" by Priscilla Shirer.
2) Our next Real Women Outing will be the afternoon of Saturday, November 6th. We will be going to see "Like Dandelion Dust" at the Rogers Malco Theater. This moving is based on the book by the best selling Christian author Karen Kingsbury. The exact time will follow, but it will be in the 4:00-hour so that we can still get matinee pricing! :0)
3) The next Date Night will be....well..not at night. Saturday, December 4th, from 9:00am-2:00pm we will be offering you a chance to get that Christmas shopping done...without kids! More information will be coming, but I am looking for volunteers! You would not be working the full 5 hours. Instead I would like 2 couples from 9:00am-11:30am and 2 couple from 11:30am-2:00pm. If you are interested in participating or volunteering, please let me know! (A sign-up sheet will be available at the information center in a few weeks.)
4) Scrapbook Day! I am so exciting about this! We have not set the date yet, but we will be hosting an all day crop at the church office sometime before the end of the year. Even if you don't scrapbook yet, it is a great time to learn or just to come and fellowship. It will be open to the church and open to friends you would like to invite. It will be free to attend; however, we'll ask everyone to bring snacks to share and be responsible for your own lunch/dinner.
5) As always, the Real Women NWA Blog, is updated weekly. Check out our "Monday Morning Minute" (or "Tuesday Tidbit" if I don't get it posted on Mondays! LOL!) for some uplifting, quick devotionals. Copies of our newsletters are available there as well.
6) On the subject of the BLOG, do you have a story to share? I would love to share your story with our readers. Email it to me and I will do my best to share it with the ladies that read our blog.
Hopefully this wasn't too long for you to read. There's so many great things going on and with the crazy holiday seasons just around the corner I wanted to give everyone a heads up!
Have a blessed week and I will see you all soon.

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