Monday, October 4, 2010

Monday Morning Minute-October 4, 2010

Today’s Monday Morning minute is not something I came up with, but rather a story that the well-known speaker, Priscilla Shirer, uses to open the first session of the bible study, One in a Million.

She says….that every Christmas her mother plans a “girls only” brunch at a restaurant called The Zodiac in Dallas, TX. The restaurant has a large Christmas Breakfast brunch, complete with beautiful crystal and dainty china, but to start with, each person is given a small cup of broth.

Now, this broth isn’t anything special. Priscilla says that it’s good tasting and is meant to cleanse the pallet, to prepare the drinker for the food that is to come.

She goes on to say that last year, while they were sitting there sipping their broths and chatting, she thought to herself that she was glad that when they were done with this little cup that the waitress didn’t bring them their bill and send them on their way.

That little cup was just there to prepare them for something bigger, better, more delicious and more exciting that is to come.

She parallels that with how many Christians have become content on a little “Christian broth.” We sit in church and listen to the word each Sunday and leave…thinking that what we’ve just received was the full meal, when in reality…it’s just the broth.

It’s just there to prepare us for the bigger, better, more delicious and more exciting things that are to come.

I can admit that there are seasons when my only sustenance comes from the word of God that I hear on Sundays and then I actually wonder why I have rough weeks in between Sunday. It’s because I was spiritually starving myself during the week.

My body could not live on a small cup of broth every seven days…what makes me think my spirit could live on it?

What are you living on?

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