Monday, October 11, 2010

Monday Morning Minute-October 11, 2010

I am in LOVE with the series we are doing for our Monday night Women's Bible Study.

It's Priscilla Shirer's Series "One in a Million." It's all about finding your promise land and taking that promise from the pew to the pavement.

On Day one of the personal Bible Study, Priscilla tells the story of when she and her sons visited the circus. As they were leaving the big top, they saw an elephant munching in a fenced-in area behind the circus tent. Seeing the elephant through the un-jaded eyes of a child, her three year old asked a very simple question: Why doesn't the elephant just break through the fence?

After watching the elephant for a few minutes, Priscilla noticed something that was not easily noticed upon first glance: this huge elephant was tied to the ground by a small iron shackle around it's left ankle.

It was held captive by something so small that he could have easily snapped it and do you know why?

That massive elephant was held in slavery because he didn't know that he ALREADY HAD the inner strength to break free from it. Circus elephants are trained from a young age. As a young elephant, they are placed in a shackle and because they are not strong enough, they can't break free. And after a while of being unsuccessful, they just stop trying.

Through out each of our lives we have things that have tried to keep us captive. It could be a situation, like the children of Israel being physically held captive by the Egyptians or it could be emotional, like the Israelites fear of what would happen should they choose to try to break free of their bondage.

It doesn't matter what the bondage already have the strength to break free.

Psalms 18:32 says "It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect."

From the moment you gave your heart to Christ, you have been ARMED with the strength to break free.

Choose to walk in that strength.

God Bless and Talk to you next week.

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