Sunday, April 10, 2011

Monday Morning Minute, April 11, 2011

Putting the Puzzle Together

Think about high school or junior high. I don’t know about you but during those years, I lived through what felt like a constant showing of “One Life To Live” JR. There were constant verbal chick fights and volleys of “he said, she said.” Even thinking about it now is EXHAUSTING!  

There were the girls that I so desperately wanted to be friends with and for whatever reason, we just never clicked. And even now, ssoo many years later, I still feel like I am that struggling teenager, just trying to make friends. There are girls that I see often and I try my best to be friends with them, but we never seem to “click.” Know what I mean? Ever feel that way?

But today, while I was sitting in service, Pastor Benny (our lead pastor!) said something that really got me to thinking. He was talking on the subject of prayer and he said that we all should prayerfully consider who we take into being our closest friends because God has not called everyone to be within our inner circle.

HHHMMM….ever thought about that? Yes…we are called to be friendly with everyone, but not everyone is meant to be the one you run to when your world is falling apart.

Think about a puzzle. A thousand piece puzzle can be put together to make a beautiful whole, but not every piece is meant to interlock with each other. Some pieces are meant to join together to form the sky. Some are meant to form the ground, others this part or that part.

The whole picture is beautiful, because it is made of so many small parts that are CREATED to fit together, just like your life is beautiful because God has chosen a certain group of people that are meant to fit perfectly into it and make it more beautiful.

This week, spend some time praying about who God has called into your life to complete your picture. And…make their week…send them a note telling how much you appreciate them.

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