Monday, March 28, 2011

Bible Study Week 5: Patience!

Hello All! Have you been patiently waiting? Between sickness in my home and sickness all around, we took a break from our Bible Study. BUT...we're back!

I hope you enjoy this week's lesson. It means a lot to me and (unfortunately!) I have to think of this often when when I get impatient. :)
Week 5


can we say about patience? We all want it. We all pray for it. And usually, God
makes us wait for it. That is annoying, isn’t it!? We want it. We need it. And
we are doing our best to patiently wait for our spiritual endowment of other
worldly patience, so that we might have the patience of Mother Teresa and
Michelle Dugger all rolled into one.  And
so many times we think that God is not hearing us or he is ignoring us or has
better things to do, but did you ever stop to think that the teaching in the

When I first started working at a
bank in Springfield, I had only been married about a year and half, and as so
many young married women, I had struggles adapting to the addition of a mother
in law to my life. I am an independent women and I can go it all myself.

One day, I was training in a new area
and for whatever reason, I started to vent to this lady who was training me
about some of the stresses I was having in that situation. When I was done, she
proceeded to tell me that she had this perfect story for me that someone had
emailed her.
This is what she sent me:

Long ago, there was a young woman who
had recently married and in her culture, once married, the mother in law, if
she was widowed, would come to live with the oldest son and his wife.

Now the young women had been well
trained by her mother to run a household, but it was not the way that the
mother in law had done things for the many years , so this lead to many arguments  between the two.

Finally, the daughter in law could no
longer take it and went to a local medicine woman and asked for something to
help her with her problem. The medicine women gave the girl a special tea that
when made in small quantities, would gradually weaken the mother in law until
she was dead. But, the medicine woman warned the girl to make sure that she provided
her mother in law with extra attention and kindness until she passed so that no
one would suspect her of foul play.

So starting that day, the girl would
have afternoon tea with her mother in law, each having their own tea which the
girl prepared. And each day, the girl would lavish more and more attention on
her mother in law. She would take her advice. She would accept her criticism.
She would do things specifically to make her mother in law happy.

Months past, and the mother in law
seemed as healthy and alive as ever and the daughter in law wondered if she was
doing something wrong, so she went back to visit the medicine woman. After
explaining to the medicine woman that she didn’t see any changes in her mother
in law, the medicine women explained once again that the tea was slow acting
and the girl needed continue what she was doing. So she returned home and
continued with the ritual of afternoon tea and her treatment of her mother in

This continued for many years and
each day, as the girl began to spend more time with her mother in law, slowly
the feelings of resentment and hurt began to fall away. Until one day, her mother
in law fell ill and as the girl was by her bedside, she realized that she truly
loved her mother in law and feared that she truly had killed her.

The girl rushed to the medicine woman
and fell sobbing at her feet, begging for the antidote to heal her mother in

It was then that the medicine woman told
the girl the truth. The tea she had been giving the girl all these years was
not poisonous. Rather it was just a plain, herbal tea that had no real
benefits, good or bad.

The girl was shocked and didn’t
understand why the woman had lied to her all these years. The woman told her
that the answer was very simple. Back when the girl was younger, she wanted things
to be perfect instantly and in her young nature wasn’t willing to be patient
and wait as her relationship with her mother in law developed. Instead, the
medicine woman had given the girl a chance to be patient and the girl now
benefited from a loving relationship with her mother in law.

The moral of the story?

Good things don’t come instantly.

 Good things come to those who not only
patiently wait, but choose to wait with a good attitude.

And sadly enough, patience, although
it can be, is rarely a spiritual endowment. It is a choice.
Now of course, the girl in the story
was tricked into having a good attitude, but it didn’t change the outcome. She
was blessed with the love of a person whose relationship she had wanted to
abandon from the very beginning.

What about us?

How many things have we abandoned
because the talent didn’t come instant? Or the relationship was too hard, so we
cut ties?
There are so many situations that
require more patience than we can seemingly muster in one day. But try this. Make
a chose to choose one situation in your life and be like the girl in the story.
Be kind beyond reproach and despite what the person might say or be positive
about a situation no matter what twists and turns that situation might take.
Make the choice and see how God will honor your patience.


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