Sunday, February 6, 2011

Monday Morning Minute-February 7, 2011

Dear Ladies:

I have to has been a while since I have posted a Monday Morning Minute. I have to admit that between life and snow here in Northwest Arkansas, I have let it slip. Can you forgive me? :)

As I sit here, fingers poised over keyboard, I can't help, but wonder...what is it you need? As much as I enjoy writing these blogs and how much they help me, I wonder if you need encouragement, spiritual guidance or just love and acceptance? How can I help you more?

And as I ponder that, I have to laugh at myself a little. In my life, I have always been the "white flag waver" and "little miss fix-it." I see a problem or hear a situation and my brain automatically goes into "how can I make it better" mode. Whether it's my problem or not...I want to make it all better. I want to be the one to come up with the solution. I want to stop the war and end world hunger!!

And with that need to fix it all, I have instilled a sense of undue pressure on myself for most of my life. It is so bad at times, that in a recent family situation, I was nearly paralyzed for two days because the only way to "fix" the situation was to wait it out. Needless to say...that does not work with my engrained sense of how the universe works.

What about you? What part of your life do you feel like is pressuring you? Are you trying to "fix" life on your own?

I always try to find a scripture for you to meditate on and as I searched I came across so many scriptures on trusting God and thoughts of God being in control, but as I came across Psalm 73:28, I felt that the beginning of this verse was just the right words for someone.

It says:  But as for me, it is good to be near God.

Simple, I know. But when the stresses of matter where they come from...weigh down on you remember this: IT IS GOOD TO BE NEAR GOD.

Stressful times are not a time to try to do it on your own, but rather a time to draw nearer to God and allow Him to work through you and through your problems WITH you.

Being near God is the first step in the perfect solution, no matter the size of the situation.

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