Monday, February 28, 2011

Real Women Bible Study-Week 3-Talk about Joy!

This week we are going to watch a Joyce Meyer video on being content.
And my favorite quote from it is this: "The world is full of people who have what you want and are still unhappy."
Here is what I think it means and sums up this week: Be content and find joy in the life you have instead of loosing that joy by chasing what might not be meant for you.
Here are the videos we will be watching (you tube has it in two parts, but for some reason I can't directly embed the videos, so here are the links to them.)
Be Blessed and Enjoy.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Real Women Bible Study-Week 2

As we all have had the opportunity to celebrate Valentine’s Day with our loved ones, I hope you all enjoyed being mulling over our scriptures on love.
Let’s take a minute to review our scriptures from last week.
Would anyone like to share?


If you noticed over the week, there were two groups of scriptures. Days 1-4 were all about God’s love TO us, while Days 5-7 were about God’s love THROUGH us to others. And I think that is a very vital order to realize. There is that old saying that was used in a book I read recently that said “You can’t give what you don’t have.” You can’t truly give love to others, unless you already possess that love.

It’s like when I used to work at Sam’s club and people would come in and be irate that we stopped selling their Ol’ Roy Dog food or their Sam’s Choice soda because “they just bought it here last week.” Each time I would have to talk them down from the proverbial ledge and break it to them that they had never bought those products at Sam’s Club because they were only sold at Wal*Mart stores. Some would sheepishly admit that “Oh yea you’re right”, while others would argue with me for a while before giving me the answer “well…since they’re the same company, you should have it to.” And all I could do was shrug my shoulders and apologize because….

I COULDN’T GIVE THEM WHAT I DIDN’T HAVE! There is no way I could magically reach into the pocket of my blue vest and like a rabbit out of a hat, produce for them a 6-pack of Diet Caffeine Free Sam’s Choice Cola or a 20 pound bag of Ol’ Roy Dog food for overweight dogs.

And it’s really the same way with the act/emotion/feeling, whatever you choose to call it, of love. Yes, you can be loving to others, but until you have had that ultimate encounter at the cross with the creator of Heaven and Earth who created LOVE, then it will never be the genuine article. The depth of love will never rise to the pinnacle of what it could be…the height of love so deep that it would provoke the God of the universe to sacrifice his son, so that we might live.

It is that encounter at the cross that shows us the intensity and devotion of God’s love and allows us to start to love others in the way that God loves us.


Now that we know God’s love and hold it within us, it’s time for it to be flowed through us to others.

Giving it away is the only way to perpetuate the cycle of God’s love. It’s like a self-contained fountain…always flowing forth beautiful streams of water, into a deep pool, and then through an intricate web of pipes flows from the pool back up to the top to be flowed forth again. 

And I think too many times, we try to put God and ourselves in a box, thinking that to show God’s love we have to be super spiritual and two steps from a bible degree or else God’s not in it.

That’s junk!

Do you remember what Christ’s first miracle was here on earth? Turning water into wine at a wedding. It was a basic necessity of that time.

THEN…he went on to heal 4 times before he helped the disciples catch an abundance of fish…another necessity.

Yes, Christ did miraculous amazing healing and told parables that had everyone clamoring for more, but smattered in there were miracles that met people where they were and addressed the immediate need they had.

God’s love can pour through you in words, in deeds, financially or any other way he chooses fit. I heard a preacher state once that where you’re passion and talent lay are a pretty good indicator as to where your ministry is.

What talents or passion do you have that could be potential ministries or be used as a way to showcase God’s love to someone?


As we studied our LOVE scriptures this week, there was one that, for me, stuck out mainly because it correlates so closely to a scripture on love that is the cornerstone of our faith.

John 3:16 says that “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son so that all who may believe on him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.”

BUT….as we learned this week there is another scripture that picks up seemingly where this one stops.

1 John 3:16 continues, like a Part B or a sequel scripture: “We know what real love is because Jesus gave up his life for us. So we also ought to give up our lives for our brothers and sisters.”

1 John 3:16 is a complete wrap up of this week. First, we learned REAL LOVE through Christ and then it is flowed through us and given away “for our brothers and sisters.”


As always, feel free to rewrite this in your own words or use it just the way it is.

Dear God: First and foremost, I thank you for your love for me as demonstrated by your willingness to lay your son’s life down for mine. Help me to be used as a fountain of your love, continually receiving love and allowing it to flow back out to others. Help me to be open to new ways of showing your love that I might not have seen before in my life and to resist the voice of Satan who would tell me that whatever I do, big or small, doesn’t make a difference because I know with God behind my actions, everything makes a difference. Amen

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Real Women Bible Study: Scriptures for Week 1

Here are the scriptures we are meditating on this week:


"But I lavish unfailing love for a thousand generations on those who love me and obey my commands." Deuteronomy 5:10


"Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! His faithful love endures forever." 1 Chronicles 16:34


"But I am like an olive treee, thriving in the house of God. I will always trust I God's unfailing love." Psalm 52:8


"For the Lord corrects those he loves, just as a father corrects a child in whom he delights." Proverbs 3:12


"Love prospers whe a fault is forgiven, but dwelling on it separates close friends." Proverbs 17:9


"But to you whil are willing to listen, I say, love your enemies! Do good to those who hate you. Bless those who curse you. Pray for those who hurt you." Luke 6:27-28


"We know what real love is because Jesus gave up his life for us. So we also ought to give up our lives for our brothers and sisters." 1 John 3:16

Monday, February 7, 2011

Real Women Bible Study-Lesson 1

For Those of you who are unable to make it to Monday Night studies, you can still follow along right here!

Tonight's Lesson:




Say the name Carmen Miranda and instantly we all envision a Latin lady in bright clothes wearing a hat laden with more fruit than the produce department at Wal*Mart. Her hat had it all and to this day, it is the thing she is known for, even though it has been over 50 years since her death.

My question to you is…What about us? What are we known for?

If you're like me, I want to be known as a woman of God. I want to be the Biblical scholar who has the right bible verse on the tip of her tongue for every situation. I want to ooze forth all of those virtues of the Proverbs 31 woman. I want to find those magic housecleaning fairies so that my house will always be immaculate and company-ready!

But, alas…we live in the real world where fairies don't really exist and we can't learn the Word of God through osmosis or just by sitting through a church service on Sundays.

So that is the purpose of this Bible Study. To spend some time each day meditating on the word of God.


To many it seems unimportant in the grand scheme of things to memorize scripture. As long as you're reading your bible and spending time in prayer, that's all that God asks, right? Well…yes and no.

Really, the only thing that God asks of us to enter into heaven is just the belief that his son Jesus died on the cross, was raised on the third day and needs to live in each of our hearts.

That's it and if you are happy with the honorable mention ribbon at the end of your race, then maybe this study isn't for you because in my Bible it tells me that I don't have to just finish the race, but I can run the race with perseverance (Hebrews 12:1) to "receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us." (Philippians 3:14)

Perseverance means that we are running this race in a course of action with a purpose INSPITE OF difficulties, obstacle or discouragement. And we all know that this race of life is not easy, but Romans 15:4 (CEV) says that "the Scriptures were written to teach and encourage us by giving us hope."

Why memorize scripture? If for no other reason than to have hope. Hope that you have the chance and the opportunity to achieve the gold medal at the end of your race.

And this hope is not just for you! This hope is for those around you who might be lost and confused. Maybe the scriptures you memorize aren't all meant for you…maybe they are for someone in your life or someone who might come into your life in the future who needs the hope that there is more to their life than the honorable mention ribbon.


So, here we go…off on this journey of hope together. Let's all put on our Carmen Miranda hats and proclaim proudly to the world that we ARE different because we are the living embodiment of the most high God and not only do we speak it in our words, but we show it in our actions.

Galatians 5:22-23 is our starting place and the center point of our study. It says:

 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

Over the next weeks, we will take each of these nine fruits and spend time each day meditating on one scripture pertaining to each. And by meditating, I don't mean spend hours thinking about it or pulling out grandma's big Biblical Concordance and pouring over correlating scriptures, but rather try to answer some of these questions each day:

How does this scripture apply to my life?

Do I feel like I embody this scripture or do I have a hard time with this particular fruit of the Spirit?

Did I know this scripture already or is it new to me?

Why is God asking me or telling me this?

I encourage each of you to keep a journal over our time together. You don't have to write in it every day, but as we go, you will find that maybe one or two scriptures a week lodge in a special place in your heart. God might be teaching you something new about your race to your gold medal and it would be a shame to forget it!


In the very beginning of our journey, I want us all to take a moment to pray for openness and softness to the guiding of the Holy Spirit.

Here is a prayer you can use on your own or you could even rewrite it in your journal in your own words.

Dear God…thank you that I am not on a race to honorable mention. Thank you that you have created me for more. You have created me for gold. In these weeks to come, help me to be diligent to meditate on your word and to live daily in the hope that it brings to my life and to the lives of those around me. Allow me, one by one, to add each of these fruits to my spiritual basket if I don't already possess them and strengthen those that already reside within my heart. In Jesus Name…Amen.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Monday Morning Minute-February 7, 2011

Dear Ladies:

I have to has been a while since I have posted a Monday Morning Minute. I have to admit that between life and snow here in Northwest Arkansas, I have let it slip. Can you forgive me? :)

As I sit here, fingers poised over keyboard, I can't help, but wonder...what is it you need? As much as I enjoy writing these blogs and how much they help me, I wonder if you need encouragement, spiritual guidance or just love and acceptance? How can I help you more?

And as I ponder that, I have to laugh at myself a little. In my life, I have always been the "white flag waver" and "little miss fix-it." I see a problem or hear a situation and my brain automatically goes into "how can I make it better" mode. Whether it's my problem or not...I want to make it all better. I want to be the one to come up with the solution. I want to stop the war and end world hunger!!

And with that need to fix it all, I have instilled a sense of undue pressure on myself for most of my life. It is so bad at times, that in a recent family situation, I was nearly paralyzed for two days because the only way to "fix" the situation was to wait it out. Needless to say...that does not work with my engrained sense of how the universe works.

What about you? What part of your life do you feel like is pressuring you? Are you trying to "fix" life on your own?

I always try to find a scripture for you to meditate on and as I searched I came across so many scriptures on trusting God and thoughts of God being in control, but as I came across Psalm 73:28, I felt that the beginning of this verse was just the right words for someone.

It says:  But as for me, it is good to be near God.

Simple, I know. But when the stresses of matter where they come from...weigh down on you remember this: IT IS GOOD TO BE NEAR GOD.

Stressful times are not a time to try to do it on your own, but rather a time to draw nearer to God and allow Him to work through you and through your problems WITH you.

Being near God is the first step in the perfect solution, no matter the size of the situation.