Monday, September 20, 2010

Monday Morning Minute-September 20, 2010

This week, my sister in law cracked my up with her status update.

 It's not like her to rant about anything, but she spent a good 7 lines rebutting a conversation she overheard while at her daughter's tennis match. The person spent most of the match complaining about how busy she was and how exhausted she was because she was so busy.

My sister in law's main rebuttal was that we are all busy with the activities of children or just life in general and rather than seeing it as negative, we should have a cheerful heart and be glad that our children have all of these chances to explore their options.

I had to shrink a little bit. I know I have been guilty of the same rambling as that lady at the tennis match and more so, of having the same nasty attitude.

Proverbs 17: 22 (God's Word Translation) says: A joyful heart is good medicine, but depression drains one’s strength.

Depression or negative thinking drains your strength, while having a joyful heart is like an instant B12 shot to your life. No wonder we're exhausted with the things that have to get done it a week! It's not the activities themselves-it's the attitude with which we pursue them!

So be an example this week of a cheerful heart and be good medicine to yourselves and those around us this week. You'll be surprised at how much better your week will go.

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