Thursday, August 5, 2010

Think Miracles Don't Exist? Read On....

This was a Godly encounter a co-worker of mine had and I had to share it.

A Godly Closet Cleaning by: Vickie Mullen

My husband works out of town every week. On this particular morning I had the urge to clean up and clean out our closet. Our closet was your typical closet: shoes on the floor, dirty clothes hanging out the clothes hamper and shelves in disarray. I was on a mission, I had a Walmart bag that I was putting the things in that I was getting rid of .

I started on the top shelf and worked my way around the closet, ending by the closet door. Like most men, my husband had a "collection" of ball caps. I thought, "Oh, does he need that many caps". I told myself that I would go through them and get rid of some and he'll never notice that probably 1/2 of the caps would be gone by the time he got back home. I just pulled all the the caps down all at once. They fell to the floor and a little red sack fell straight to the floor. My first thought was, "What the crap, he'll keep anything. ". I never looked in the red bag, I thought I'll throw this away and he'll never miss it. I just remember shoving it in my trash bag.

Finally, I was finished cleaning our closet. I tied a knot in my trash bag and took it straight to the pantry garbage and as I put the bag in the garbage I remember very vividly seeing that small red sack in my trash bag. All that happened on Monday morning.

On Wednesday, our trash bins were placed on the curb for pick up. I was so excited on Thursday to show my husband. He was impressed by the work I had done that he walked straight to where his ball caps used to be and reached up to the shelf and asked me, "Where is my little red sack?"

My heart sank to my stomach.

I told him that I had thrown it away. I asked, "Why?"

He said, "You didn't!, you knew that's where I kept my side business money."

I was devastated. We tore the closet apart. I guess I just going through the motion of helping him look, but I knew I had put the red sack in the Walmart bag which I placed in the garbage and I also knew that the garbage had been picked up on Wednesday.

He told me that he had saved about $450.00 cash , in order to make our 1st car payment. He forgave me and we both agreed that he would open a separate account for his side business and I told him I would look in things BEFORE I threw anything away. We joked with each other that we had so much money that I actually throw it away.

The little red sack was always on my mind. I looked for it every time that I was in my closet, all the while knowing that it was in the land field. I was sick over what I had done. I felt like God was telling me/us that we were depending too much on money and not trusting him enough.

I told only1 person what I that done, my chiropractor. She was shocked, but she had words of wisdom. She told me that maybe God would let someone in need find the sack that needed the money more than we did.

Those words were affirmation for me. I told God that I was sorry and I would let go of that dependency I had on money.

Two weeks later on Sunday my husband's work took him out of town early that week. Sunday night I went to bed early around 10pm since my husband was gone and did the normal nightly routine, brushed my teeth, checked on my boys, turned the lights off in my closet and room and went to bed.

I woke up earlier than I intended to and decided to start getting ready for work. I went straight to the closet to decide what I would wear to work.

And as I stepped in the closet that little red sack was in the middle of our closet floor, with the money in it. I got chills and looked straight up expecting to see a hole in the ceiling where the bag had fallen through. I immediately called my husband crying telling him what I had found laying in the middle of the closet floor.
I had been in my closet hundreds of times during those 2 weeks and that little red sack WAS NOT in the middle of the closet on the floor. We truly believe that God put it there as a sign for us reminding us to trust him with everything. After I found the sack of money, I didn't hestitate to tell anyone who would listen. Some friends were skeptics while other friends called it a miracle.

And the little red sack didn't have $450 it had $520.00 cash. And God did let someone needy find the money, ME! God is So Good, if we just take the time to look.

Still think miracles don't exist?

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